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Sunday, August 1, 2010




“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:  against such there is no law.”  (Galatians 5:22-23)



The eighth attribute is:

8.  Meekness

What is Meekness?  It is an attitude of humility toward God that springs from a recognition that God is sovereign.  He’s in control!  Unfortunately, most people view Meekness as weakness.  They see  Meek people as lacking strength or courage.  A “pushover,” “weakling,” or “soft” are just some of the terms people associate with Meekness.  This is so far from the truth!  Meekness is a virtue that Jesus Christ is known for.  And I don’t think you would view Christ as a “pushover“, a “weakling,” or “soft,” would you?!


So, how did Christ exhibit Meekness but yet was not viewed as weak?  Jesus took on the form of a lowly Meek servant who always submitted to the will of His Father.  (John 3:30; 4:34; 5:30; Mark 14:36)  Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.   And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!”  (Philippians 2:5-8)  Jesus always sought to do the will of His Father.  Even when He was being provoked, mocked and ridiculed, He still maintained a Meek and gentle demeanor. 


Meekness is a servant-like submission to our Heavenly Father.  We will never achieve godly Meekness unless we learn to humble ourselves before Him.  A person who is exhibiting Meekness no longer tries to put themselves before others and God.  They have relinquished their pride and self-will.  They now see things from God’s perspective and seek only to serve and please Him and not self or others.  A Meek person will of course feel the wrongs committed against them, but will not allow themselves to become vengeful or hateful.  Instead they will acknowledge that vengeance belongs to the Lord.  (Romans 12:19)  A Meek person will follow Christ’s example and ask the Father to forgive them for what they have done.  (Luke 23:34)  Having godly Meekness will enable you to endure patiently all of the insults, injuries and persecutions you receive from others.  You will remain calm, cool and collected, while others go “full tilt”. 


Having Meekness toward God is akin to the fear (reverence) of God.  It begins with seeing God in His holiness, majesty and power.  It is being able to physically bow before His presence.  Do you ever bow or kneel in the presence of God?  I.e. when you’re praying and worshiping Him privately and publicly  If you read about the Old Testament believers, they would always acknowledge the holiness of God.  Moses took off his sandals and declared this is holy ground.  Ezekiel fell upon his face when he realized he was in the presence of almighty God.  Do you have too much pride to bow before Him?  Would you be embarrassed to kneel before Him at church?  If your answer is yes, then you need to learn who God really is and why He deserves submission and reverence.


Everything begins and ends with Him.  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…  (Hebrews 12:2)  We must realized that our flesh has been crucified with Christ and we no longer should yield to our sinful, fleshly desires.  We should strive to live obediently to what our Lord and Savior requires of us.  (Galatians 2:20; Philippians 1:20-21)  We must choose surrender and obedience.


To exhibit Meekness, surrender the following rights:


Ÿ        The right to be offended.

Ÿ        The right to my own time.

Ÿ        The right to do what I want with my possessions.

Ÿ        The right to self-pity.

Ÿ        The right to self-justification.

Ÿ        The right to be understood.

Ÿ        The right to criticize or be criticized.

Ÿ        The right to judge or be judged.

Ÿ        The right to be rejected.


Meekness before God is fundamental to all of our relationships.  We will not be able to exhibit Meekness in any other relationships until we learn to humble ourselves before almighty God. 


Let’s look at ourselves in the mirror, do you see someone who is Meek looking back at you?  Or, do you see someone who is full of foolish pride and rebellion?


Next time we will look at temperance (self-control).

7:38 pm est

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