New Vision Community Church

Lending Library
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Lending Books and DVD's

Lending Library

New Vision Community Church has started a Lending Library available for all church members.  The Lending Library includes printed, audio and DVD materials. The Lending Library is located in the Upper Room across from the Welcome Center.  We’re delighted to offer a Lending Library, available for browsing Monday-Friday between the hours of 10am – 2pm.  Items are available for check out at the Welcome Center on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can return items any Wednesdays and Sundays at the Welcome Center. 

You can search the library’s book collection at: 

Click on “search your library” to search by title, author, or subject.  You may also search “Your Books” by clicking “Lists, covers, tags, or authors.”


NEW BOOK REVIEW  -                           Click Here to see Archived Reviews



Ignite Your Passion for God

By Kay Arthur & Mark Sheldrake


Review by Elder Karen

I have always enjoyed books by Kay Arthur and her Precepts for Life ministry.  I believe she is one of the best teachers around.  What attracted me to this book was that it had the potential to be used as a small group study.  And to my delight it can be.

Most adults do not like to do “homework” anymore, so this Bible study would be an excellent choice to use.  For anyone who has experienced “dryness” in their relationship with God, through this book they can rekindle their fire for the things of God (prayer, worship, witnessing & studying the Word).

The only negative is if you are someone who doesn’t like to mark up their Bible, then you may want to skip those suggestions.  Overall I give this book a five star.


I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group









Library Guidelines
· Individuals twelve (12) years of age and older may borrow books and other materials.
· One (1) item may be borrowed at a time.
· All items may be returned to the Welcome Center located in the Upper Room.
· Please handle books and other items with care (i.e. do not write in books, fold the corners of pages, etc).
· All library users must provide up-to-date contact information and agree to abide by the rules of the library.
· Library users who lose or severely damage a book or any other material will be charged the replacement cost.
· The borrowing privileges of any library user may be revoked by the church librarian, Elder Karen

Library Guidelines
· Individuals twelve (12) years of age and older may borrow books and other materials.
· One (1) item may be borrowed at a time.
· All items may be returned to the Welcome Center located in the Upper Room.
· Please handle books and other items with care (i.e. do not write in books, fold the corners of pages, etc).
· All library users must provide up-to-date contact information and agree to abide by the rules of the library.
· Library users who lose or severely damage a book or any other material will be charged the replacement cost.
· The borrowing privileges of any library user may be revoked by the church librarian, Elder Karen
Library Guidelines
· Individuals twelve (12) years of age and older may borrow books and other materials.
· One (1) item may be borrowed at a time.
· All items may be returned to the Welcome Center located in the Upper Room.
· Please handle books and other items with care (i.e. do not write in books, fold the corners of pages, etc).
· All library users must provide up-to-date contact information and agree to abide by the rules of the library.
· Library users who lose or severely damage a book or any other material will be charged the replacement cost.
· The borrowing privileges of any library user may be revoked by the church librarian, Elder Karen.

Since the materials are not locked up, we expect everyone will not take material without checking it out appropriately.  All materials may be checked out for three months.  If you need to keep anything longer, please consult with Elder Karen. 

Overdue Fines>.25cent/day

Overdue fines will not begin to accrue until ten days from the date of this notice.  Overdue fines begin at .25cent/day and will continue to build up until the item is returned or replaced, or until the maximum fine level is reached ($20).

  • Library users with fines totaling more than $5 will not be allowed to check out materials until the fines are paid. 
  • When items are checked out, attached to your material is a due date slip that includes due date information.

Library users are notified five days after an item is due. Depending on your contact information, this notice will come by email, regular mail or by phone. 

What to do if item is lost

Charges for lost or significantly damaged materials, including tape and CD cases, will be passed along at the current replacement cost.

  • Report the loss of an item immediately. Cost of the material is based on replacement costs.
  • New Vision Community Church will buy materials to replace those lost, not the patron.
  • If the material is found later, your money will be refunded, for up to one year from the day you paid for the lost materials.    

·        Please retain the receipt you receive when paying for the lost item—it will be needed to obtain a refund.

Donations to the Library
All books and/or other media donations are welcome and greatly appreciated. Please understand that the library is guided by the following policy:

  • Donated materials will be reviewed and, if appropriate, added to the collection. Materials that are not added to the library will either be returned to the donor, or sold or donated by the church according to the donor’s preference.
  • Books should be in good physical condition. Please do not simply bring us everything you wish to discard! Half Priced Books is no longer accepting any print materials dated prior to 1985. This leaves us one less outlet to whom we may sell or donate unwanted materials.
  • Pamphlets, study workbooks and home school textbooks are not appropriate donations.
Books will not be appraised for tax purposes.