Pressing on toward God.
Are you being talked about right
now? Does it seem that nothing is going right in your life? What about your job?
You can’t seem to move up in the company. The operation of the company is going downhill.
Family members are off the chain in a bad way. Everything around you and in the world is out of
control. What do you do? Do you try and take matters into your own hands?
Do you turn toward the off the chain family members?
All that is happening is good. Okay,
so I know everyone is asking how all of this can be good! If you are a believer in Jesus Christ you will
know why this is good news. Turn to 1 Samuel 30:6 where it says that David strengthened himself in the
Lord his God. God allows dark moments in our lives that will last only for so long as it is necessary for
God to accomplish His purpose in us. God is preparing us for our promotion, not a promotion in this world,
but in His kingdom in heaven. This is wonderful news. So we do not turn towards ourselves
or the world when trials and problems arise. We are to turn toward Jesus.
People want you to act out of character
when you are a follower of Christ, so they will continue to say and do everything to try to disrupt God’s plan for your
life. What you can do is smile and thank your enemies for pushing you closer toward Jesus Christ.
You can stay in God’s word, pray, and continue to put God first in your life. Acts 11:23 say
when Barnabas was in Antioch, he seen the grace of God and he was glad and encouraged the people that with purpose of heart
they should continue with the Lord. Those who are followers of Christ must continue serving the Lord and
staying in His word. We can’t let people control our actions. See the problem
is that people want to control your actions and manipulate you into doing what they want you to do. Is
this a godly action? No. God lets us choose to serve Him or man, so people don’t
get mad when one chooses to serve the one and only true God.
People get upset when you serve the Lord.
Why, because they think you are not serving them, but if they realize by you serving God you are serving them too.
My family has this problem of trying to control everything, this use to be a problem. Notice how
I said use to be a problem. I no longer can be that person any more because I have been washed clean of
my sins and now born again to allow Jesus to dwell in my heart and to live His life in me and through me. I
no longer can be in bondage of what people think of me. I can only be concerned about what my Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ thinks of me. Don’t get mad at the choices I am making. You
all should do what I did. I turned to Jesus. I stopped running from Him.
I kept making the same mistake and ending up in the same rut, until I decided to do something different.
I stopped confiding in people and confided in Jesus. I started talking to the love of my life Jesus.
I stopped trying to please everyone else and asked Jesus how I can please Him. My heart’s
desire is to please Jesus Christ. I am His servant. I am here to show people that Jesus
is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Come and follow Him. I am here spread God’s
word. I am here to encourage God’s children, which mean you, to continue to press on toward God.
Don’t stop; stand up for God’s truth and righteousness. Don’t be afraid or fearful.
Be fearless. Allow your flesh to decrease and the Holy Spirit to come to the forefront, to lead
and guide you, stop being selfish and tearing others down with words that destroy. Proverbs 18:21.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Start speaking life into who you come in contact
with and stop being controlling. Let the Holy Spirit control you. Stop and recognize
your wicked ways. Turn to Jesus and repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness, and be reconciled to Jesus