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Sunday, August 4, 2013



Now upon hearing that title you immediately focus on the term “for dummies”.  You may have felt a little uncomfortable or even a little upset on that word “dummies”.  What are you talking about?  I am not a dummy.  Well, let me inform you that by definition the word dumb does not mean stupid.  In fact, the biblical definition of dumb is to be mute or voiceless.  So the title actually means salvation for the voiceless, in other words “not able to speak on salvation.” 

There are some of us who know exactly what salvation is.  There are others who have a general idea but don’t truly know or understand its meaning.  And yet there may be those individuals who have heard about it but is currently unable to speak on it.  Allow me to give you some “cliff notes”, a “synopsis”, if you will, on this subject of salvation.  So today I would like to cover three key questions regarding salvation.

The first question is “What is salvation?”  Salvation is securing your life, eternal life, in heaven.  You are saved from God’s wrath and eternal separation from Him.  You are saved from eternal torment in hell and the lake of fire.  And please don’t misunderstand that when I say God’s wrath, that doesn’t mean He sends us to hell.  We send ourselves to hell by disobeying Him.  Salvation is available to everyone, but are you ready and willing to receive it.  It’s entirely up to you.  Yes, it would be much easier for God to force salvation on us; however just like in any relationship would you want someone to force you to love them?  So why would you want God to do it?

The second question is “What is the cost of salvation?”  That is a really good question.  What if I told you that salvation doesn’t cost us a thing!  Now keep in mind, I didn’t say salvation didn’t cost anything, I said it didn’t cost us anything.  Now, what if I told you that the cost of salvation has already been paid for us?  John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”  Yes, Jesus Christ has already paid the cost for salvation.

Now in order to illustrate what this means I will use some examples from the secular world that relates to everyone.  To paint a clearer picture on what Jesus did for us in the spiritual world.  Some of us know that when you go to the casino you can get what’s called a “player’s card” that keeps track of how much money you spend.  Once you reach a certain level you will receive complimentary gifts such as a free night stay at the hotel casino or a free meal at one of their restaurants.  Some of us know that when you purchase an airline ticket you can sign up to keep track of the miles you travel by air.  Once you reach a certain level those “frequent flyer” miles can be used to purchase a free flight.  All of us have worked at a job where we received an actual paycheck; and while looking at our pay stub we see all the taxes we had to pay.

So how do these examples relate to Jesus paving our way for salvation?

        Jesus paying our way for salvation is like you getting comp’d before you walk in those casino doors.  Jesus paying our way for salvation is like being awarded your frequent flyer miles before you book your first flight.  Jesus paying our way for salvation is like your taxes being paid before you fill out that job application.  So you mean to tell me that Jesus will comp me before I play my first game, award me free mileage before I take a flight, and pay my taxes before I even start working?  Yes that’s exactly what He’s done.  Well, how does He even know that we’ll go through with it and He’s already paid for it?

Why would He do that?  There must have been a purpose as to why Jesus died for our sins and paid for our salvation.  Let’s break that down.  You know, in accounting, when you pay for something in advance, whether product or service, it is known as a prepaid expense.  This prepaid expense, by definition, is now classified as an asset.  You should also know that prior to it being paid in advance it was classified as a liability.  You might have missed that.  Let me say it again.  When you pay for something that must be paid at a future date, but God knew that because of our sinful nature, we would never be able to pay what we owe, therefore we would be liabilities forever.  But because of Jesus Christ we are now assets for God.  So, let’s not abuse, misuse, or not use the assets God has given us.  Let’s get off our assets and apply what Romans 12:1 says to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, Holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”  Jesus has set that example for us.

The third question is “What does salvation do for me now while I’m here on earth?”

Well for one it provides the foreknowledge of knowing that no matter what happens to you in your life, you know where you’re going to end up.  This is exactly what Paul meant in Romans 8:28 when he said, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  Now I don’t know about you, but having that foreknowledge causes me to look at my life differently.  It causes me to approach my circumstances from a different perspective.  I react differently to every trial and tribulation I experience.

So what is this called?  In one word…!  Salvation provides joy in my heart now, in anticipation to spending eternity in heaven.  To take it a step further this is why we should have joy even when we pray.  Jesus tells us why in Matthew 6:8, for He says, “Therefore do not be like them (He’s talking about the Pharisees) for your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”  Now how amazing is that, to have an all-knowing God.  So now I pose the questions to you.  Do you look at your life differently now that you know that He knows what you need before you ask?  How do you approach the circumstances you face now that you know that He knows what you need before you ask?  How do you react to your trials and tribulations now that you know that He knows what you need before you ask?  That is joy.

So there it is.  These are my “cliff notes” on this subject of salvation.  Those are just three of the many questions on salvation and what it means.  Now I could go on and talk about others questions like how do I receive salvation (Roman 10:9-10).  Or  I could even expand on salvation itself on how it didn’t just start in the new Testament , but rather from the beginning of time with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:24).  Or I could talk about how once you’re saved, always saved (Romans 8:39).  I could even talk about the many prophecies, of Jesus dying for our sins, told hundreds of years before He was born (Isaiah 9:6-7 & Isaiah 53).  But right now I encourage you to verify and confirm this message I speak to you today (1 John 4:1-3).  So just like when someone finishes reading their “Windows For Dummies” book and they get Microsoft’s official how-to-guide to operate the Windows software, let’s get the official how-to-guide instructions on salvation, the Holy Bible, to learn how we need to operate according to God’s word.  



8:18 pm est

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