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Thursday, January 2, 2014



Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us that “the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.”  From the beginning of time God has been revealing Himself to us.  Whether it’s through the amazing force of nature, the animals, or the individuality of every human being, we have witnessed and have been made known of who God is.  But not only that, we are accountable to live based on His revelations.  Romans 1:19-20 states that “because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse”.  So you see, we cannot claim to not know God.  We can no longer live our lives in third person and not want to draw closer to Him each and every day. We can no longer be C-average Christians. The more we draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to us and reveal more of Himself to us. We must follow His order, His example, and His plan in order to be in right relationship with Him.

God’s order, example, and plan are brought out in every aspect of His word. If we look at the 6 days of creation, we see God’s order, example, and plan for our lives. Everything created could not have sustained without what was created in the prior days. This is His message that He is the God of order. God created everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Now we know that with God being omnipotent He had the power to create everything instantaneously. Why didn’t He? Because He set an example we need to follow – work 6 days and rest on the 7th and sanctify it. God’s plan was to set the foundation for us to build our lives on.  Without the correct foundation (Jesus Christ), we cannot stand the attacks of the devil.

There is a reason that God is the God of order. And that is because without order there is chaos. Things aren’t done correctly if they are done out of order. You ever put flour on your chicken after you start frying it? You ever put your car in gear before you start it? You ever put your parachute on after you jump out of a perfectly good airplane? You see, no matter how simple or how extreme, there is order in every aspect of our lives. God’s order must be applied to our spiritual lives as well. We should be going to God first in any decision we make in our lives. Seeking any other means before we go to God will not be done correctly, therefore, out of God’s order. His word tell us this in Matthew 6:33 “but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Not only does God tell us to seek Him first but He also shows us throughout His word.

When we have an example to follow we are better equipped to overcome any obstacle we may encounter. Not only that, we can always refer back to that example whenever the obstacles become too great. Having trouble changing an outlet, you can find self-help videos on how to do it the right way. Want to start and run a successful business? You can network with individuals who own or have owned a business to know the benefits and pitfalls. This is why we have examples to follow. Well, when we follow God’s example we can overcome any obstacle that comes in our way. And the example that God wants us to follow is the one of Jesus Christ. We are called to surrender our lives to the Lord and become servants before Him. 1 Peter 2:12 tells us that “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.” Christ is the ultimate example we must follow. Without Him we are nothing.

Whenever we plan for something we visualize the process and how it is to be done. Once our plan has an end result in mind we then begin the process of completing what we set out to do. What’s important about any plan you have is to reevaluate the plan while in progress. The reason why is because as with any plan it never goes exactly the way you planned it, so you have to be prepared to make some minor adjustments along the way. Do you plan to graduate from college with a four-year degree? You may have to switch majors along the way. Are you planning a vacation for next year? You may not have saved the amount you needed and now must decide on a shorter trip. Did you see in these two examples that even though the plans did not go according to the original vision, the end result of those plans still followed through. That is how God’s plan is for our lives. Even with the inconsistencies and stupid decisions we make in our lives God’s perfect plan will always follow through. Isn’t that amazing! Jesus touched on God’s plan for our lives as He taught the people how to pray. He said in Matthew 6:8 that “therefore do not be like them, for your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” Talk about a plan for your life!

So, how does God’s order, example, and plan permeate through every aspect of our lives and prepares us to spend eternity with Him? Two words….. Jesus Christ!  Let’s go back again and start with God’s order.  The people in the Old Testament were not ready for Christ. That is why God did not reveal Christ to them but first supplied them with the old covenant (i.e. Ten Commandments) to get them ready for Christ. When Christ came at the start of the New Testament, it was time for the people to get the fullness of God’s truth, the new covenant. And now with us today, we have the advantage of God’s word at our disposal. We did not live during the time the word was written. And with today’s technology, we have unlimited access to God’s word and to understand the Truth. God’s example was the life of Jesus Christ Himself. Because Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life, we have the example to follow. There is no other example that will lead us to heaven because “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). And finally, God’s plan for our lives is to follow His order, with the acceptance of His Son Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and savior, to worship, honor, and glorify Him in this life; and we will spend eternity with Him in the next life. That is His order, His example, and His plan.

3:44 pm est

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