Covenantal Relationship
does covenant mean? First let us define covenant. A covenant is an agreement between people or groups that involves promises
on the part of each to the other. A covenant, in the biblical sense, implies much more than a contract of simple agreement.
A contract always has an end date, while a covenant is a permanent arrangement. Another difference is that a contract generally
involves only one part of a person, such as a skill, while a covenant covers a person’s total being. I understand dear
Lord, that You do not desire that I lay part of myself on the altar, but I am to lay my body at the altar as a living sacrifice
offered up to You Jesus. My total being has to be presented up to You Jesus as “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
to God, which is [my] reasonable service” (Romans 12:1). When we sacrifice our bodies to God, we are choosing and
giving God permission to change and transform us into the likeness and image of Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that
God can do this transformation because we have surrendered and sacrificed our bodies to Jesus.
What does relationship mean? Relationship means a connection between persons by blood or marriage, an association,
or involvement with. I like that, a connection by blood. Jesus’ blood shed as the sign and seal of our redemption once
for all people and for all time. Knowing that Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for us should make all people
want and desire to have a covenantal relationship with Him. Do you have a covenantal relationship with Jesus Christ? In order
to answer this question, you have to examine your relationship with others. Are your relationships with others messed up,
need work, okay, well, or totally awesome? Now however you answer, look at your relationship with Jesus. If we want our relationships
to be healthy and meaningful with others, we must first get our relationship in order with Jesus. How do we do this? I am
glad you asked.
You must first set aside alone time with Jesus. This can be early in the morning, midday at work, or late in the evening.
It doesn’t matter what part of the day, just make sure you stick to having undistracted time with Jesus every day. In
your alone time study a certain passage in the Bible. Meditate on the scripture and allow God’s Word to increase in
you while your flesh decrease. Pray that God open your heart and mind to receive and understand His Word to apply it to the
way you live, act, what you say, and how you think. We have to learn to abide in Jesus. Abiding means to remain in Jesus,
to dwell in Jesus, to be faithful to Jesus, and to endure to continue in Jesus. Go ahead and enter into covenantal relationship
with Jesus Christ. He is waiting. He is ready for you to lay your body at the altar as a living sacrifice to give you a new
heart and renew your mind. Go ahead and let Jesus transform you to offer you up to our Holy God. What is worth everything
to God? That would be you my friend.