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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Road to Destiny


Nothing happens to us by chance, luck, nor fate, but what happens to us is allowed by God, whether if it’s good or bad, right or wrong.  You may be asking yourself what am I talking about or what is meant by me saying what happens to us is allowed by God.

God gives us freedom to make choices.  What happens to me is due to choices I have made in my life and some of the things that happened to me was due to what God allowed others to do. 

What’s the purpose of going through troubling and trying times?  In my faith walk I have and still continue to learn along my journey.  When I look back over my life, I see my Lord God’s purpose for troubling and trying times are to train, develop, test, and prepare me for my destiny with Him.  The road to destiny starts with training.

To train means to cause to grow as desired, to form by instruction or discipline. To train also means to become prepared for a test of skill. This parallels to God’s Word, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). God wants all to surrender to His will to be trained up in the Word of God.

Training is the act, process, or method of one who trains. Training is the skill, knowledge, or experience gained by one who trains. I started my training process when I was tired of going around in circles ending up in the same place that was out of the will of God. When I finally stepped out of the situation I began to see more clearly by putting my focus back on putting Jesus first in my life. God began training me by placing me at New Vision Community Church. I chose my favorite scriptures to meditate on daily and these scripture gave me new life in Christ Jesus. God’s Word told me that. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16). Training requires me to grow as God desires in His Word. God is forming a new me by shaping and molding me into the likeness of Jesus Christ. The testing of my faith are maturing me each day. Thank you Jesus for showing me how to follow Your instruction and discipline of finding solitude in our Lord God. Next on my road to destiny is development, which is similar to training.

Develop means to grow, cause to grow, and become more mature, advanced or elaborate. In order for me to grow I have to eat daily. I must turn to the Word of God each day to get my daily bread and nourishment. I can’t survive in this world without You Jesus. Each day I turn to the Word of God, I see the Lord God wants me to become more advanced and elaborate in Him. The Lord God is working me out in detail and with care. With training and developing, I now will write about testing along the road to destiny.

It’s testing time. No one likes to be tested, but it is necessary. Test means to put to the test, try, examine, evaluation, and trial. Remember when you were in school, you have to study to do well on the test. It is the same with the Word of God, we have to study the Bible to show ourselves approved and be prepared for the testing of our faith in Jesus Christ when God allow things to happen to us that we don’t like. God tells us to, “Test all things.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). God tells us, “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1). What does testing do for believers? Testing draws us closer. God is with us every step of the way of our testing. This is awesome news.

In conclusion of my road to destiny, the LORD God is preparing me, and getting me ready to do more work on earth until the party begins in heaven. I pray that you will allow the LORD God to do His work in you, so I will see you at the party in heaven.

10:31 am est

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