Power Source
is a story about a woman who lived way out in the country on her own. Being that she lived so far out there wasn't any
electricity in her area and therefore none in her home. Now the time came when the electric company were finally going to
set up the electricity in the area where she lived and ultimately in her home. So they came and set everything up and showed
her how to use it. After about a month or so they noticed that she wasn't using a lot of the electricity. In fact, it
was barely being used at all. So the electric company called her to make sure everything was working okay. She told them yes.
They asked if she's been using the electricity because it doesn't show that she has. She said “Oh yes I'm
using the electricity.” But then they said “May I ask how you're using it?” She responded by
saying “Well, I turn the lights on so that I can see when I light my oil lamp and then I turn the lights back off.”
You know, as followers of Jesus Christ, we
sometimes do the same exact thing with God. We seek Him only when it's convenient for us; when we're going through
a tough time or when there's something that we want. In other words, we seek God to benefit ourselves. The biggest problem
with the woman in the story is the same problem most Christians do today; the Power Source is there but we do not use it.
You even see how the unsaved want to blame God for the mess that they're in. Well that's because they have no connection
to the Power Source at all. So for the saved and the unsaved, there's nothing wrong with the Power Source, we are just
not accessing it properly.
So what is
the problem? Why are so many Christians failing to properly access this Power Source which is God the Father through Jesus
Christ with help of the Holy Spirit? Well, for those of us who know, the bottom line as to why is found in Hosea 4:6; which
states that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject
you for being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
There are three things to point out in this one verse. First, lack of knowledge is defined as ignorance. God's people
are destroyed because of their ignorance. Second, is that many Christians have rejected knowledge. Now it's one thing
to lack knowledge, but it's another thing to reject it. To reject it implies that you know the knowledge of God is there
for you, but you refuse to accept it. Third, is that God said He will forget your children. How can you say that you love
the Lord and not raise your children the proper way? That is the direct cause of God forgetting your children.
So why is this a problem connecting to the Power Source? The problem with many
Christians is that they only activate a "power surge" rather than activating The Power Source. In other words, they
only access God's power with very short-bursts, high levels of energy. To put it in perspective, many "professed"
Christians go to church a couple times a month and get excited about the music or the message. But then everything goes back
to normal as soon as they leave the church. These short bursts are what they feel is needed to living a Godly life. Not so.
God said in Deuteronomy 11:18 “Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and
bind then as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.” We should always be seeking
God's knowledge and wisdom. And just like the principles of a power surge, if we continue to seek God in that fashion
there will be a burn out. It won't last. You cannot expect to keep plugging in to get a power “surge” then
unplug and operate by the world's standards and receive “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding”
(Philippians 4:7). You cannot expect to keep plugging in to get a power “surge” then unplug and operate by the
world's standards and receive joy that no man can take away. This is what James calls “double-minded” (James
1:8). We must stop using Jesus Christ as an outlet but rather have Him as our Power Source.
So why is it so important to stay connected to God, our Power Source? One reason
is that it shows our obedience to Him. You see when you're properly connected, everything you do, say and think goes through
God. That's one of the many reasons why Christians don't stay properly connected because they want to do want they
want to do. But it's not about us, it's about Jesus! Our ultimate purpose as we're connected to God is to worship,
honor, and praise Him. Another reason is that we must be properly equipped to overcome the temptations that Satan and this
world are constantly barraging at us. When we are connected to our Power Source, He tells us to “Come
to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am
gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”
(Matt. 11:28-30). Another reason is so that we can defend what we believe and pass the Good News to everyone we have
contact with. If we don't learn and know God's Word, how can we possibly defend against the enemy's attacks. What
if someone comes along and say the Bible is full of holes and proceeds to misinterpret Scripture - the same Scripture you
believe in. If you don't know like you should then how can you help them understand the Scripture the right way? If your
child asks you about a story in the Bible that you don't know about, how then can you properly teach them the life lesson
that's made available? The answer is we must be connected to the Power Source.
So here's the good news. You can start right now and get properly connected to the Power Source. And to do that you must
grow in your relationship with Him. The mistake is having religion rather than having a relationship. You must read, study
and meditate on His Word daily. We must pray without ceasing. We must honor God through our families, our relationships, our
finances, and our jobs. Finally, we must give God the glory in all things. James 4:8 tells us to “Draw near to God
and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” You
are not alone. Stop acting. Stay connected!