What’s the difference you ask? There is a major difference!
And it depends on where you are in your relationship with Him. Let’s explore the difference.
In the book of 1 John 4:19, “We love Him, because He first loved us.” Most of us who profess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior can say that we love Him.
We live our lives according to what we believe is right in the eyes of God. We don’t
commit any major sins (at least ones you can see). We continue to tell ourselves that He’s not finished
with us yet, so we still have time to get ourselves together. A person who loves Jesus is someone who knows
what they should be doing like attending church (but only if they’re not too tired and only on Sundays), witnessing
to others (if no one is around and if someone asks), being neighborly (speaking to my neighbor if we make eye contact), not
cursing people out (except when they’re driving), occasionally pray (if it doesn’t interfere with our schedule)
bring their Bibles to church on Sunday (if they remember and possibly even open it up if they can find the chapter & verse),
and participate in the praise and worship by singing (if no one is looking at them; you might even clap your hands, if it’s
a “funky” beat).
this sound like you? If so, then you probably do love Jesus because He does love you. You
respect Him for being God. You’re grateful that He was willing to die for your sins.
And you’re especially thankful for His grace because without that you wouldn’t be able to say that ‘God
knows my heart’.
Jesus said in John 14:15, 23, “If ye
love me, keep my commandment. If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father
will love him and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” If we are in love with Jesus, we will obey Him. We will do all we can to please Him.
And then He and the Father will set up residence in our hearts. Now that’s pretty powerful.
Our hearts will be their home!!!
Remember when you fell in love with your spouse. You wanted to spend every waking moment with
them. You put their needs before your own. You were willing to sacrifice your money,
body, family and friends to be in a relationship with them. You weren’t interested in anyone else
and no one could hold a flame to the one you loved. You told everybody, “Can’t nobody do me
like he/she can!” People would say that you’re “sprung”!!! You
couldn’t wait to hear their voice and just the sound of their voice made you quiver.
So, here’s the million dollar question,
do you feel that way about Jesus? Is He the only One you want to spend all of your time with?
Is He the first Person on your mind when you wake up? Is He the last Person on your mind when you
lie down? Do you find yourself talking about Him to everyone you meet? Are you talking
to Him throughout the day by praying and reading the Bible? Are you excited to meet Him every Sunday?
Do you participate in the worship service by singing, dancing, clapping, etc. no matter who’s watching you?
Do you participate in a mid-week service and in a small group ministry to learn all you can about the One you’re
in love with? Do you feel lost and disconnected if you don’t acknowledge Him in every area of your
life? Does the way you live your life line up with the One you say you’re in love with?
Would Jesus be embarrassed to claim you as His? Are you embarrassed to say that you’re with
Him? Does the sound of His voice excite you to no end?
If you are in love with Jesus, then your life will reflect that. You
will obey Him and strive to please Him in every area of your life. There will be no compromise in your
relationship with Him. Remember love is a verb. Love is all about action.
Do you have a heart love for Jesus or is it all in your mind? If it’s only in your mind, then
you are delusional because you think that you have something going on with Jesus and you really don’t. Don’t
be a person who only loves Jesus because He first loved you. Be in love with Him to the point people think
you’re crazy and so sprung that you cannot be turned around!!!