We’ve all heard the term “there is not enough time in the day”. As a matter
of fact, we’ve used the term ourselves. It never fails, you get through your day and you realize
there were things you didn’t get to finish or do; and at that moment you say to yourself ‘if only I had a couple
more hours’ But instead of focusing on the things you weren’t able to do, let’s focus
on the things you did do. I’m certain that you woke up in the morning, took a shower, brushed your
teeth, ate breakfast, checked your Facebook, got dressed and drove to work. After work you stopped by the
grocery store, came home to prepare dinner, checked your Facebook, washed a load of clothes, took a nap, talked to your friend
on the phone, checked your Facebook and went to bed.
To be
honest that is a lot of things you got done in less than 24 hours. But let me ask you something, did you
take the time to thank God today? Has thanking God for His Son Jesus Christ ever been included in your
daily routine? Think about how many times you check your Facebook everyday. Think about
how often you check your phone for text messages. Surely you can at least thank God that many times.
So maybe you thank Him when you’re able to avoid a conflict situation, or you thank Him when you get that raise
you’ve been wanting at work. And you’re right, we should be thanking Him during these times
of prospering. But what about those times when you are going through a conflict situation or when
your hours are cut from your job. What then?
let’s ask it a different way. Is there a standard on how and when we should be thanking God for His
Son Jesus Christ? The answer is yes! The Bible gives us the answer to this question.
Ephesians 5:20 tells us “giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ.” It says to give thank always; not some of the time (the good), but all the
time (good & bad). And it says for all things. The second part of that verse
is equally important. It states ‘unto God and the Father’. What its saying
is to thank God (the Trinity) as one, and also thank God the Father for His Son Jesus Christ. It would
be like thanking your parents together for raising you, but also thanking your mom for what she’s done specifically
and then your dad. Wow! What one way to honor God by thanking Him twice with one thank
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it says, “in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning
you.” This is letting you know that it is God’s will to thank Him. When
we learn to thank God for all things concerning all of our circumstances, we begin to realize that He is in
control. And please know that all of our accomplishments are God’s doing, not ours. Yes
He has given us the skills and abilities to achieve those accomplishments but it is all because of God. So
thank Him today for everything.