In this world of business, whether in a large corporation or a mom & pop store, being in compliance is paramount
to the future success of your company/business. From time to time there must be a check and balance to
make sure everything is in order. That is why, periodically, an audit must be performed. By
definition an audit is an official inspection of the financial well-being of the individual or organization. This
is to ensure that the individual or organization is operating under the rules and statutes governed by our country.
there are two types of audits, internal and external. Your external audits are typically broad in scope.
This type of audit examines a small percentage of activities from the individual or organization. Although
external audits are more general in a sense, they are still effective because it is from a third party. This
allows it to be unbiased. An internal audit, on the other hand, can be more detailed and intrusive.
The organization knows itself and can, therefore, be more thorough during the audit process.
was given the privilege of speaking with a group of individuals who spent time in our county and state prisons.
While conducting Bible studies and getting to know them, I learned that one of the things they disliked the most (other
than being away from family) was what they called “The Shakedown”. The Shakedown is when a
group of correctional officers walk into their cell and inspect it for any contraband they may be hiding. This
is something that is done periodically and without notice. Now, for the prison system, this is something
that is necessary in order to be in compliance and to keep things in order. Sounds a lot like an audit
doesn’t it?
What we, as believers, must understand is that everything that happens in the physical is predicated on what’s
going on in the spiritual. Therefore, we can no longer look at our situations as a physical shakedown (audit),
but rather view it as a “Spiritual Shakedown”. Once you do that you will fully understand Romans
8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according
to His purpose.” You see, God wants to get us ready for His Kingdom in Heaven. And
we can’t go just the way we are.
Now let’s take a look at the physical shakedown these individuals had to go through and line it up with the spiritual.
Just as in the physical shakedown, God doesn’t give us advanced notice of his Spiritual Shakedown.
It’s all on His time. When the officer opens their cell door and enters, that is the door
being opened to allow Jesus Christ in our lives (John 10:9). When the officer tells them
to strip their clothes, that is God stripping away all our sins and unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
When the officer says “lift em”, God wants us to lift our heads and acknowledge Him. He
wants us to lift our voices and confess our sins to Him (Romans 14:11; 1 John 1:9).
the officer tells them to “turn”, God wants us to repent and turn away from our sins (Ezekiel 18:30; Acts
3:19). When the officer tells them to “spread em”, God wants us to spread our arms
open and surrender our lives to Him (Psalm 28:2; Psalm 63:1-4). When the officer tells
them to put their clothes back on, that is God clothing us with the Holy Spirit and fitting us with His armor (Ephesians
6:10-18; Acts 1:8). When the officer puts the handcuffs on them, that is God securing us for our
eternal life in Heaven (John 3:15-16).
Now the shakedown doesn’t end there. When the officer walks them out of their cell, with the
handcuffs on, that is God wanting us to see our life from another perspective. He removes us from or comfort
zone, what we are used to. You see sometimes when you’re in the mist of something it’s hard
to truly see what’s going on. But when God allows you to step back, things look different, they feel
different, they smell different, the taste different, and they sound different from before (Romans 12:2).
Now the officer starts to search the cell. He flips over the mat, goes through the clothes, and
tosses out extra sheets, blankets and trash. Well, that is God the Holy Spirit molding and reshaping you
from the inside. He then tosses out (empties out) the things you don’t need – the anger, the
jealously, the envy, the evil desires, the lustful desires, all the impurities, all the garbage that controlled your life
up to this point (Ephesians 4:22-24).
So you see, the Spiritual Shakedown is something that we need from time to time. Again, God wants
to get us ready for His Kingdom. It doesn’t feel good when you’re going through the shakedown
(audit). But here’s the good news, once you’ve gone through it, you’ve learned how to
be patient, to endure, to persevere, and ultimately build character (Romans 5:3-5; Romans 12:12; James 1:4).