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Thursday, May 1, 2014


God’s Kingdom is our ultimate destination.  Oh how I long for the day!  Did you ever wonder why you may feel uncomfortable on earth?  Do you ever think about how you may not fit in?  We are not suppose to fit in because we are children of the King.  We are to stand out.  We are to have a glow, so when others look at us, they should immediately notice something different about us, that should be Jesus living His life in and through us.  There should be a transformation of us being molded and shaped into the likeness of Jesus’ image. 

We recently had our Women’s group meeting and one of the questions from our study ask us to describe the intended purpose for service to which God calls us in Matthew 5:13-16 titled Believers Are Salt and Light.  One of the responses broke down the significance of salt and light and how we ourselves relate to the scripture.  She said salt is a seasoning that gives flavor, a preservative, and salt is a substance used to hold bread together.  So we are to season the world with God’s word giving the world flavor.  As a preservative we are to keep the world from decaying and spoiling by living out God’s word, infecting and sharing the word of God with others, so they too will want to serve the one true God Jesus Christ.  As the salt is sprinkled throughout the bread holding it together, we as followers of Jesus Christ are to be spread throughout this world praying for those that are lost, those that are hurting, and those who have backslidden to draw them to confession of their sins, ask for forgiveness, and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior over their lives to start their new life in Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the Salt and Light and we are to follow Jesus as believers to be the salt and light of this darkened world.  Just as the salt holds the bread together, we are to be upholding God’s word by standing up for truth and righteousness.  We are to let our light so shine before men so the world may see Jesus in us and glorify our Father in heaven. 

I went online to see how salt is referenced in Bible.  The role of salt in the Bible is relevant to understanding Hebrew society during the Old Testament and New Testament periods.  Salt is a necessity of life and was a mineral that was used since ancient times in many cultures as a seasoning, a preservative, a disinfectant, a component of ceremonial offerings, and as a unit of exchange.  The Bible contains numerous references to salt.  In various contexts, it is used metaphorically to signify permanence which means stable, loyalty, durability, fidelity which means quality of being faithful, usefulness, value, and purification. 

God doesn’t want us to think that earth is home.  We are not to get comfortable here, but while we are here there is much work to be done.  We must be followers of Jesus and become fishers of men (people) so all will have the choice to choose Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Is there something better than this life?  Yes, home with Jesus.  Remember we are in this world not of this world.

5:30 pm est

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