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Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Call for Order Part II

We previously discussed how God created man first as part of His divine order and plan.  God set the parameters by setting things up for man, shown in (Genesis chapter 2:7-9).  God formed man first.  God planted a garden for man to cultivate.  God made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight to provide food for man.  God commanded the man saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”  And then the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”(Genesis 2:16-18).  So in (Genesis 2:21-24) God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep to take one of his rib’s to make woman.  God brought woman to man, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”  So here we see the creation of the first family where God created man to first and foremost have a relationship with Him, gave man a job to cultivate the land, provided man with food to eat, and finally blessed man with a companion, a woman.

We also talked about the breakdown and separation of families, roles being reversed, and children running amuck due to everyone being out of alignment with God.  How did our society fall out of order and out of alignment with God?  To answer this question, I always go back to the beginning of the Bible in Genesis where God created the first family Adam and Eve because this is where the breakdown started in chapter 3 of Genesis.  The first thing I would like to point out is the title of Genesis chapter 3, The Temptation and Fall of Man.  In verse 1 we see the serpent going to the woman first skipping over the man to tempt the woman by saying to her, “Has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”  This temptation caused the woman to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden and she gave her husband some to eat and their eyes were opened.  When their eyes were opened they knew they were naked and they hid from God causing the separation from God because they could no longer see God, they could only hear Him.  We see here too, the roles being reversed by the serpent going to the woman, skipping over Adam.  By this, the woman has taken the lead role by making the decision to eat of the tree when she was told by Adam what God commanded that they could freely eat of every tree in the garden except the one in the midst of the garden.  Adam has taken the passive role by not stopping Eve from eating of the tree and eating with her.  So I ask the question again, how did our society fall out of order and out of alignment with God.  The world has left its first love, God, just like Adam did.  Adam did not take responsibility of being the head of his family.  He stood there and watched and did not say anything to the devil.  Adam could have nipped it in the bud by telling the devil to flee and get away from his wife.  If he did this, we would not be in the predicament we are in today.  Instead, we continue to keep the mess going by being out of alignment with God because people choose not to obey God’s word.  The world has fallen suit to Adam by allowing the devil to creep in.  The devil has crept in the world because people are believing that it is okay to be gay, a lesbian, transgender, fornicate, have children out of wed-lock, lie, cheat, steal, envy, be angry, full of pride, and jealous.  The world can no longer see with their spiritual eyes, just like Adam and Eve could no longer see God in the garden.  The world has also allowed itself to be deceived by the father of lies, the devil, by choosing to follow the ways of the world.  The LORD God is calling for order where man will return to Him by repenting of sins and asking for forgiveness and accepting His Son Jesus Christ.  The LORD God is calling man to submit to His authority by falling back in alignment with Him through His Son Jesus Christ.  The LORD God is calling man to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added to you (Mathew 6:33).  The LORD God is calling man to take his rightful place as head of the household back.  The LORD God is calling man to put Him first in his decision making and see how He will work.


7:08 pm est

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