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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

GOD IS … (A poem of praise)

GOD IS …  (A poem of praise)


·        Our refuge and strength

·        A very present help in trouble

·        With us

·        A Shield for me

·        A Savior

·        Righteous

·        Holy

·        Glorious

·        Magnificent

·        Awesome

·        Gracious

·        Merciful

·        Loving

·        Kind

·        Patient

·        Faithful

·        Mighty

·        Omnipotent

·        Omniscience

·        Omnipresent

·        Our Healer

·        The Giver of Eternal Life

·        A Listener

·        A Burden Lifter

·        A Way Maker

·        Our Banner

·        Righteous

·        A Judge

·        Trustworthy

·        A Counselor

·        A Friend

·        Marvelous

·        The Lion of Judah

·        The Balm of Gilead

·        The Rose of Sharon

·        Creator of all things

·        A Rock

·        A Fortress

·        A Deliverer

·        Our Strength

·        Patient

·        Long Suffering

·        Peace

·        Pure

·        Our Avenger

·        Victorious

·        Our Redeemer

·        Our Shepherd

·        Our Rod

·        Our Staff

·        A Promise Keeper

·        Our Salvation

·        Our Song of Praise

·        The Object of Our Worship

·        Beautiful

·        Our Hiding place

·        Our Joy

·        Our Courage

·        Our Contentment

·        Our Wonderful Counselor

·        Delightful

·        Good

·        Our Defense Lawyer

·        Our Intercessor

·        Our Comforter

·        Our Restorer

·        Eternal

·        Truth

·        Our Buckler

·        Majestic

·        King of Kings

·        Lord of Lords


This is the GOD that we serve!!!  He is Our GOD and we bow before HIM and praise HIS Wonderful Name!!!  HE is the One and ONLY!!! There is none before HIM or after HIM!!!

Glorify the GOD who is EVERYTHING!!!

Praise our GOD who is…

3:21 pm est

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